New Literacy Presentation:
Presentation from Nonie Lesaux
Brief Version
A Series of Topic Briefs Produced for the New York State Education Department by Nonie K. Lesaux, PhD & Emily Phillips Galloway, EdD
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is pleased to present to you a series of eight topic briefs produced for NYSED by Nonie K. Lesaux, PhD from Harvard University & Emily Phillips Galloway, EdD from Vanderbilt University. These briefs are designed to aid New York State educators in implementing the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards; complement and support the Next Generation Standards and related documents; offer an expansion and deeper explanation of concepts embedded in the Standards, Introduction, and Preface; and provide additional guidance to the field particularly in settings serving linguistically diverse learners.
Presentation from Nonie Lesaux
Brief Version
A Series of Topic Briefs Produced for the New York State Education Department by Nonie K. Lesaux, PhD & Emily Phillips Galloway, EdD
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is pleased to present to you a series of eight topic briefs produced for NYSED by Nonie K. Lesaux, PhD from Harvard University & Emily Phillips Galloway, EdD from Vanderbilt University. These briefs are designed to aid New York State educators in implementing the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards; complement and support the Next Generation Standards and related documents; offer an expansion and deeper explanation of concepts embedded in the Standards, Introduction, and Preface; and provide additional guidance to the field particularly in settings serving linguistically diverse learners.
- Topic Brief One: Advanced Literacies for Academic Success
- Topic Brief Two: What Goes Into Effective Reading Comprehension
- Topic Brief Three: Hallmark One of Advanced Literacies Instruction: Engaging, Content-rich Texts
- Topic Brief Four: Hallmark Two of Advanced Literacies Instruction: Classroom Discussion
- Topic Brief Five: Hallmark Three of Advanced Literacies Instruction: Building Written Language
- Topic Brief Six: Hallmark Four of Advanced Literacies Instruction: Academic Vocabulary and Language
- Topic Brief Seven: Advanced Literacies Instruction: Spotlight on Interactive Units of Study
- Topic Brief Eight: Spotlight on Language Production Projects
Next Generation English Learning Standards
At A Glance Documents that show progressions across grade levels:
At A Glance Documents that show progressions across grade levels:
Lifelong Reading and Writing Practices
Climate Change Conference Resources
Standards Related to Climate Change for ELA and Science
Presentation Slides w/ Heat Map Examples
Blank Heat Map
Additional Resources:
Presentation Slides w/ Heat Map Examples
Blank Heat Map
Additional Resources:
- Greta Thunberg TED Talk on Climate Change
- Transcript of TED Talk
- Opposing Viewpoints on Climate Change (PW: empirelink)
- Climate Change is Real from the Smithsonian
- Arguments and Responses
- Student-vetted climate resources, including counterclaims (though speaking and writing from evidence is essential)
- Teacher-vetted climate resources, including counterclaims (though speaking and writing from evidence is essential)
Writing Resources:
- Odell Education Units on Engage (Grades 6-12)
- Grade 6:
- Unit I: Reading Closely for Textual Details: The Wolf You FeedDeveloping Core Proficiencies Curriculum
- Unit II: Making Evidence-Based Claims Unit: Steve JobsDeveloping Core Proficiencies Curriculum
- Unit III: Researching to Deepen Understanding Unit: Prehistoric ArtDeveloping Core Proficiencies Curriculum
- Unit IV: Building Evidence-Based Arguments Unit: Energy CrossroadsDeveloping Core Proficiencies Curriculum
- Grades 7-12 at on each grade level's landing page, under the modules in the left side menu.
- Grade 6:
- The Power of Driving Questions
- Ruth Culham's Teaching Writing Well
- The Box
- Digital Microstories
- Infographics
- Writing Activity from Steve Peha
- (MS) Undercover Agents of Kindness
- Learning Goal Map: HS/MS ELA
- Ashes