I am a former teacher who is now a full-time author, educational consultant, and instructional coach. I work with schools and districts around the country, helping to sustain curriculum upgrades, design contemporary curriculum, and modernize instruction with immersive technology. I specialize in the integration of research-based instructional strategies to facilitate transformations of curriculum design, instructional practice, and professional collaboration, currently around 21st Century Fluencies, new standards integration, and all that modern learning entails.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Master’s in English Education. I also hold post-baccalaureate certificates in teaching science and language arts, as well as gifted students. I have taught a variety of grade levels and content areas over the years, primarily with Middle Schools. I am an Independent Consultant for both public and private schools, as well as ASCD, Eduplanet21, the Curriculum 21 project, AMPEDUCA, and Solution Tree. I'm also an active blogger who writes for the Curriculum 21 blog (curriculum21.com/blog) and Solution Tree's blog (LINK HERE). I most recently published Hacking Instructional Design: 33 Extraordinary Ways to Create a Contemporary Curriculum, from x10 Publications. You can find me on TWITTER: @fisher1000. |
Photo by A. Moulin of Le Moment
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